The Real World

The Real World vs The Rall World

by Gene Comiskey

  In my continued attempt to understand the rationale behind the publication of some of the letters and columns in the Asheville Daily Planet, I will address a recent column by Ted Rall. (I have decided to forego any further analysis of letters by ‘Jake Pickering ‘, obviously a lunatic. His own writing discredits himself more effectively than I ever could.) Mr. Rall, a self-described progressive, writes in a superficially more reasonable style. For that reason, he is a more dangerous and insidious opponent to the rights of Americans. I speak of the actual rights of Americans as cited in our founding documents: the rights to life, liberty and property (notwithstanding Thomas Jefferson’s rhetorical flourish “the pursuit of happiness”, the founders and their philosophical forebears consistently used the phrase: ”life, liberty and property”), not the invented rights created by progressives to push an anti-life, anti-liberty and anti-property agenda.

 The anti-life part of the agenda is the perversion of law that was the Roe v. Wade decision. Even some of the most ardent pro-abortion advocates recognized that Roe v. Wade was bad law. More to the point, Roe v. Wade was immoral and unconstitutional. There can be no more horrendous crime than the murder of innocent children. Abortion is a tragedy that, in the United States alone, surpasses the toll of the Holocaust and approaches the death toll of the Communist regime of Mao Zedong. All the mental gymnastics and rationalizations employed by progressives to justify abortion fall apart upon viewing the ultrasound of a baby. At that point if you still justify abortion, it is apparent that you have lost your moral compass. The use of the phrase ‘reproductive rights’ to describe abortion is one of the crueler and more ironic corruptions of the language employed by progressives. A further irony is that many of the same people who insist on “my body, my choice” are the loudest voices condemning anyone who objects to mask or vaccine mandates.

 The salient part of the anti-liberty agenda is the attack on our 2nd Amendment rights. The recent Supreme Court decision against an unconstitutional New York law restricting gun ownership is a step in the right direction but still falls short of protecting the right of firearm ownership guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution does not create this right; it codifies the prohibition against the government infringing on the people’s inherent right to “keep and bear arms”. The amendment does not ensure the militia’s right to “keep and bear arms;” it specifically states that it is “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms” that shall not be infringed. The Founders had ample reason to mistrust governments and standing armies. The American Revolution began on April 19th,1775 when the British forces went to Lexington and Concord on a mission to seize the arms of the colonists. Although there are other reasons to have firearms of course, the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to prevent a tyrannical government from infringing on the rights guaranteed by the founding documents and thus subvert our freedoms. The unconstitutional restriction of firearm ownership, essentially in Democrat controlled jurisdictions, has contributed to a steep rise in violent crime in the United States. So-called mass shootings are largely committed in high crime areas like Chicago and are usually gang related. On the other hand, a recent incident at a mall in Indiana illustrates that a law-abiding citizen, legally possessing a firearm, could make a significant difference when he engaged the criminal within 15 seconds and prevented further carnage. These types of incidents involving a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy are more common than the mainstream media cares to report. Recent steps by the Biden administration to increase the number of armed IRS agents and purchase large quantities of arms and ammunition show that they have no aversion to firearms, only to their possession by citizens.

  The anti-property part of their agenda is multi-faceted and includes the ‘climate change’ hoax which would impoverish Americans, remove their ownership of farmland, restrict their freedom of movement, and make them dependent on the government. The attacks on the fossil fuel industry have caused increasing transportation costs which have led to increased prices of food and other essentials. The ‘Great Reset” program of the World Economic Forum is designed to amass the world’s wealth in the hands of certain global elites. The inflation we are experiencing, and the coming recession are symptoms of a plan to control the world’s resources in the hands of a few. This is not an accident; it is a plan, and we are running out of time to reverse this situation. The American people are the ‘firewall’ to stop the ‘Great Reset’ and this November’s elections are crucial to the survival of the United States and freedom. Recent events prove that progressives will stop at nothing to destroy freedom loving people and prevent the resurgence of a movement which could restore the country we love.
