Relentless PUSH for CRT / SEL

Relentless Push for CRT / SEL

The NC State Board of Education is at it again, recklessly spending $7M and targeting the most vulnerable in early childhood with Marxist propaganda.  This is beyond creepy.  In this press release, Sloan Racmuth, President of Education First Alliance, gives the gory details.  Here's an excerpt ....

"Yes, we are seeing critical race theory in schools elsewhere, but it's mainly taught in the higher grades. But preying on disabled 3 year old children - getting them to participate in a political movement, and to hate themselves based on skin color in the process, shows our public schools to be more morally corrupt than all others," Rachmuth continued.

WRITE your state representative and senator and demand they put an end to statewide funding preschool program that pushes 'critical race theory' in special education classrooms.